It’s too late now
The gap between the language
Has grown too far to bridge
And meet for comprehension once more
It’s too late now
To contact each other across
The mountain of silence
That has grown between us
The icy, craggy barrier has scarred over and increased
To block any path for return
Only the air is left
To hear any cries of frustration and despair
It’s too late now
To watch each other’s descent down opposite sides
And see how we both have grown
How our lives took different paths
And the mistakes we made
That separated us in our youth, inexperience, and selfishness
Made us learn
Gave us tools to tackle other mountains
To pull us to the top
To a different view
There was nothing to forgive
Only apologies to be made
But it’s too late now to say them
The echo of my voice may reach you along the Way
And I may see your shadow on the horizon
Turning me back to that mountain of regret where we briefly shared a path
And a view
And intense emotion
But regrets slow us down
Hold us back
Make us fall
And stop us from enjoying the view now
That mountain is behind me
I may look back and remember the brief time we had on it
But it is time to concentrate on its beauty
Not on the places where we fell
Or the unknown parts we never travelled
It’s too late now
Turn back to the path
And the journeys lying ahead