North East Mid Summer

The time between sunset and sunrise

A valley full of mist

The type that lingers low, 

And you  above it by the side of the road 

Just away from the road

Gazing at the beauty 

The serenity of the world at peace

At  that singular moment of time

The sun, barely warming the air

But the promise is there

A promise of a river to be seen, 

Some greenery to dry out 

A lorry, delivering stock to Tesco

Goes by, shattering the silence.

But just for one moment,

One distracting and annoying moment

Then, as quick as it appeared, it’s gone.

A lone heron passes nearby,

The sky still

Still and waiting for more avian creatures to fill it. 

The tops of trees poking through the moisture 

Unsure as yet, whether it is time to begin the day


That uncertain period 

In this part of the world, when darkness barely reaches

Barely breaches the fields and beaches

Where, if you stand  on the shore

Arms outstretched 

You can almost measure the sun going down at your left hand

Then, a short time later, after following the glow along the North Sea horizon,

You can see it rise by your right. 


But wait, back by the roadside , 

The silence continues


More birds stir

Some rabbits scamper in the field 

In the  other side of the field where they pay no attention

To you. 

To you and your silence

The mist still persists, not willing to give up its place

It’s place, where nature controls 

And souls enjoy this timely silence 

Another truck, and a car or two

Going where they have to go



 Then just the natural order of life and beasts. 

A bee, getting the pollen before other bees

The buzzing sounding like an air horn in the quietness

The absolute quiescence of the here and now

This light is changing now,

Less serene

Less soft

The sun is forcing its warmth

But you still feel the chill

You lie there,  on the wet grass,  by the the tracks you left

Your vehicle not far away

The grey low clouds disappearing 

Faster now

But still taciturn around you

Surrounds you


As the day gets brighter

Your weight seems lighter 

Your mood uncaring

Sharing your thoughts with the insects 

The insects crawling


Not stalling as they alight on you


More noise

More cars, they stop,

They look at the scenic view

And you, just out of sight

You try 

It’s getting colder now

And darker

And damper

Lights flash

And the silence now shattered 

A siren


Too late 

You stop thinking



Your car upside down yards from you

Glass shattered, 

Some entangled in your hair

You care not

You care for nought

No thoughts left

Your eyes stare aimlessly 

A fly lands on one

You don’t blink

You don’t move

You don’t think


The ambulance men


Scramble down the bank

The dankness not hindering

No lingering for them


They reach the stillness that is you

Too late 

Your natural light has gone out.